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One App,
Endless Styling

Create & try on outfits you love

Free to download

Fully personalised

You're the model


​Why not become the model and try on the clothing you love before buying with our virtual clothes fitting room app?


We've partnered up with the likes of New Look, FatFace, Juicy Couture, Gym King and Yours Clothing, as well as several smaller sustainable brands too, bringing you all the styles you'll love. 


Download R Reflections today and join our thousands of users today, who are personalising their online clothes shopping experience and reducing their returns!

Download on the App Store
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Join thousands of happy users!

Be The Model

Our software allows you to be the model, try on the clothing you like on you body before purchasing

Increased Personalization

Save your favourite outfits, upload your own clothing, be the model and style outfits from 1000s of our pre-downloaded clothing

Reduce Returns

By trying on the clothing virtually, you'll know if it suits your body shape and skin tone, therefore you'll end up returning less of the clothing your order online

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